Zhadi's Den

Random essays on wine, writing, moving to San Francisco, surfing, cats (exotic and otherwise) and zombies...depending on my mood.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


This is Tsavo. He is the only kitten I've ever bottle-fed...and kept. Cute little thing, ain't he? And yes, I'm carrying him by his scruff. He liked it. I spoiled him rotten...

And he turned into the Machiavellian feline you see in the last picture. He's a big baby too. Screams like a baby when one of the other cats looks at him funny.

His sister, Madelaine, who is sitting behind him in his otter picture, staring up at the camera, is currently sitting on my shoulders, in between my head and the back of my rocking chair. I won't let her on my lap right now 'cause it's currently occupied by my iBook. I'm getting a stiff neck here, Maddie...

Why am I posting these pictures?

I am determined to get some writing on my book done today and don't want to spend a lot of time blogging. And I'm curious as to who thinks it's gross to carry a kitten around in one's mouth by the scruff of their neck. I did not, however, clean him in traditional momma cat fashion. I just know someone was gonna bring that up...

Okay. Time to get to work. Tomorrow I'll have more time to write, so I'll have a more interesting post. Although I think Tsavo is pretty interesting.


  • At 10:19 PM, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    How long were you spitting out cat fur for?

  • At 10:22 PM, Blogger CP said…

    All I could think about is hairballs...and of course, the object cat in the mouth jokes that are too risque to mention. *L*


  • At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I still think it's gross!

  • At 8:16 AM, Blogger Dana Fredsti said…

    Weird...I commented on this yesterday and it didn't take. So...

    MS, although he didn't have a lot of fur in those days, he's made up for it by shedding copiously since he's turned into a big, shaggy adult kitty. We both use Petromalt.


    Jeez, Mr. Fab, what do I look like? Some kind of spider? I'd NEVER eat my babies! At least not feline ones!

    And Mumsy, at least I used a wash cloth to clean him...


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