Zhadi's Den

Random essays on wine, writing, moving to San Francisco, surfing, cats (exotic and otherwise) and zombies...depending on my mood.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Junjie is a North Chinese leopard at EFBC/FCC. Junie is about a month old and the son of Kim Lee and Kandgi. His name means 'handsome' in Chinese and he is certainly that. In this picture he's crawling on my shoulder, making little grunt-piglet noises as he snuffles and sniffs my neck, hair and face. This is Dave's first time experiencing the wonders of a baby leopard. He's grinning ear to ear, hidden behind the adorable cuteness that is Junjie. Ignore my fillings, please. :-)

Moments like this are why I will continue to go to EFBC for all fund raisers no matter my finances or schedule. This and having Caesar, my adopted Siberian tiger son, come running up to the fence of his enclosure to greet me even though I've been gone for several months. Money can't buy this experience. If there's been one thing in my life that's consistantly reminded me of the joys of life, it's been EFBC.

Thank you, Nancy V. for taking the photo and sending it to me!

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  • At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kitty snuggles will cure whatever ails ya (unless, of course, what ails ya is a cat allergy)

  • At 11:15 AM, Blogger Abyss of Silence said…

    WHAT A CUTIE! He's still got the baby rounded fuzzy head thing going. So adorable!

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Dana Fredsti said…

    Luckily I'm not allergic to kitties - good thing since I stayed home today and had six of 'em snuggling me all morning and afternoon...

    And yeah, he's still just a fuzzy wuzzy baby cutie!


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