Zhadi's Den

Random essays on wine, writing, moving to San Francisco, surfing, cats (exotic and otherwise) and zombies...depending on my mood.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Zhadi's Den is Moving!

The new address for the Den is here.

See ya at my new home!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Posting for Mr. Fabulous

If you haven't visited Pointless Drivel (and it's hard to imagine anyone NOT having visited this amazingly warped and funny site at least once 'cause Mr. Fabulous IS the funniest blogger on the 'net at this time), go there now! For one thing, as mentioned, it's just really funny. For another, he gave MURDER FOR HIRE: THE PERUVIAN PIGEON, an extremely nice endorsement. He is one of four people who have already ordered a copy and I think that's pretty nifty! Some of my friends and family are waiting for it to be out on Amazon.com or in stores, which is also cool. I'm just so chuffed that anyone actually wants to order it (like, pay money for something I wrote). I mean...wouldn't you be?

I'm working on finishing up content for the website. We have DEAD MEAT, which I believe is the first Irish zombie movie, on for background and I would recommend this to anyone liking the zombie genre. The cause of this particular plague of undead is a mutated strain of mad cow disease. Yes, there is a carnivorous mad cow in the movie. And it has one of the more chilling and disturbing endings I've seen. And it has zombies. Sue me, I'm easy...

Anyway, thank you, Mr. Fabulous, and now back to the website!

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Website et al

I spent a few hours at Leslie's today, working on my website. Rather, she worked on it while I sat at her side and tried to follow along as she navigated templates, codes and other arcane webbish things. I actually understood some of it, but other things? Not so much.

It was fairly collaborative, though, as I got to pick out the design and colors for the header and am now working on names and contents for the various pages. If you want to check out the design, go to here.

I'm watching FIELD OF DREAMS while I work. I've already been going through a wave of nolstagia (reading BETSY AND TACY books, craving foods from my childhood), but dang it, FIELD OF DREAMS is like rolling in a bed of glass as far as bringing back bittersweet memories. I thought I'd be living in the midwest...raising at least one kid, writing... ah well. It's still one of the best movies ever.

And back to the website.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Murder for Hire: The Peruvian Pigeon is official!

After over 15 years of writing, rewriting, rejections and frustration, my first novel has been published and is actually...well...official! Please go here for details. It'll be available on Amazon.com in a few days and in stores shortly. More triumphant happydance blogging over the weekend as we also try and get my website up and running!

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Final proofs and new website

Hi, y'all. Whatever 'ya'll' actually bother stopping by here these days since I've been so lax in the posting. Well, I've been proofing galleys in between an overtime intensive work schedule (and the kittens...the KITTENS!) and am happy to say that the final proofs are approved, signed off, and MFH is going into print. I'm also working with my surfing pal and web-design savvy friend Leslie on www.danafredsti.com and will probably have traffic to this website directed there as soon as it's up and running.

I realized that as a writer, I damn well better start writing again. I need to publicize my book, I need to have some discipline all the way around. No more whining, no more kvetching. I'll let ya know when the official 'Dana is a REAL writer' website is up. It'll have a wordpress blog section entitled Zhadi's Tales (you DO all know that Zhadi is short for Schherezade of 1001 Arabian Nights fame, right?) and will be doing all blogging from there. I can't keep up with My Space and Vox and all the sites popping up for socializing and posting. It's all gonna be centralized. www.danafredsti.com.

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