Zhadi's Den

Random essays on wine, writing, moving to San Francisco, surfing, cats (exotic and otherwise) and zombies...depending on my mood.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Did you know...

...that if you type in hahoo.com instead of yahoo.com that it'll get you in trouble if you're working someplace where they monitor that sort of thing? That is, if the server will even let you on the site. I accidently hit the 'h' instead of the 'y' while checking my Yahoo mail here at my temp job (I'm currently temping at Providian in downtown San Francisco), and promptly got the message: Forbidden Access. This Site is marked as Sex.

Not marked as having sexual content, mind you. Oh no, this site is marked AS Sex.

For some reason, I'm still incredibly amused by this and had to share...

Anyway, watch your hahoo if you're working in corporate America!


  • At 12:14 AM, Blogger Other Lisa said…

    Okay, not that I generally visit sex sites...well, like never, except by accident...but I had to try this hahoo thing. And I got nutin'. Just a yahoo page saying the site could not be found...hmmmm....

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger Dana Fredsti said…

    Maybe you need an uber sensitive Big Brother type monitoring system like the one here at Provi...

  • At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, I went in search of hahoo too, but no dice....

  • At 12:33 PM, Blogger freethoughtguy said…

    Don't visit "hoogle.com" either! There's a whole sleazy industry that takes advantage of website typos. Best to bookmark your favorite sites. Or type v-e-r-y - c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y !

  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger Dana Fredsti said…

    Hoogle and hahoo...hee hee...


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