Zhadi's Den

Random essays on wine, writing, moving to San Francisco, surfing, cats (exotic and otherwise) and zombies...depending on my mood.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Posting on a Saturday night...

And having a damnably hard time writing anything. I've probably used up all of my brain power today doing tax things, such as going through my files and bags and folders and drawers and finding all receipts/invoices/bills for 2006 AND 2007, separating them out and getting some order, before finally sitting down and doing a prelim run on 2006 taxes. I am happy to say that without using even half of my legitimate deductions, I am getting a hefty refund this year. I am pleased and have cracked a bottle of tasty pinot noir to celebrate the occasion.

I have a new favorite mystery author: Nadia Gordon, who writes the Sunny McCoskey series, set in Napa Valley. Well written, funny, cleverly plotted and with LOTS of food and wine descriptions, these books more than make up for the loads of crappy mysteries I've read over the last couple of years. I wish I'd found them before Murder for Hire got a publisher 'cause I would have been less depressed about all of my rejections. Something about reading the crap and not being able to get published seriously damaged my self-esteem as a writer. It's doing better now, thank you.

I also found a new Barbara Hambly fantasy last week! For those of you who like fantasy, horror, or just enjoy good writing, Barbara Hambly is an amazing writer. I've read all of her books (she has over a baker's dozen in various genres) several times and the re-reads are just as good as the first time I cracked each book. The latest is Circle of the Moon, a sequel to Sisters of the Raven, fantasy with a thread of horror running through it. Finding a new Barbara Hambly at B. Dalton's was as good as getting an Easter basket with a solid chocolate rabbit from See's in it.

My cats just knocked something off of the kitchen table. The sound it made when it landed on the tiled floor leads me to believe that the object in question was glass. Ah well... At least I get a refund!

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